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Ten methods of saving water in courtyard garden irrigation

Saving water in your landscape must be very difficult and time-consuming.

Many effective measures you can take to reduce water charges and protect the water supply of the community are simple and easy.

Here are some suggestions, which can be a one-time investment in water-saving equipment you can make,

You can also let others install it for you, or simply change your habits.

1. Install an automatic rainwater shutoff device, which can be installed on the irrigation system controller to tell it to shut down when the rainfall drops.

It protects your lawn (and your water bill) from accidental overwatering.

2. Automatic rainfall is turned off, which can save enough water to recover the cost in the first quarter.

3. Use intelligent controller to update the irrigation system, LD weather irrigation controller,

It can improve your watering efficiency by up to 40%. If your water bill is high,

It may recover its costs within a few years.

4. Upgrade to water-saving sprinkler. In the past decade, the development of sprinkler technology has advanced by leaps and bounds.

If your sprinkler, rotor or drip emitter has a service life of more than two years,

Ask your local irrigation expert to check your system and recommend more effective alternatives if appropriate.

5. Eliminate leakage. According to the environmental protection department, the hose,

A 1/32 "diameter leak from the transmitter or outdoor water can waste more than 6000 gallons of water in a year.

Imagine if you have multiple leakage costs!

Outdoor leaks are particularly wasteful because they are usually not noticed.

If you hire a competent landscape company to maintain your lawn,

You don't have to worry, because they will check for leaks every time they visit.

However, if you carry out maintenance by yourself, be sure to check the leakage on the weekly list.

6. Install rain bucket. It is beneficial to plants because it does not contain salt and chemicals found in most groundwater or urban water sources.

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